Quickie with a DJ BPM Festival Edition: Art Department
White or Black sand? Black everything..almost.
Most odd performance moment? At a motocross track/amusement park following a two man local folk band in Venzuela.
Can’t leave home without? Shoes.
Longest set you’ve played? 12 hours.
Favorite Mexican dish? Ceviche.
What can we expect from you at BPM Festival? Not much.. I'm on vacation.
What production software you use? Ableton & Logic.
Favorite fashion brand? Julius 7/ Boris Bidjan.
What do you think about Trap music? No comment.
Which EDM artist would you love to work with? Green Velvet.
Favorite video game? Haven't played a video game in years sadly.... love'em just no time.
Speedo or Trunks? Either or.
Last song on your iPod? Nirvana - Polly.
First DJ you saw live? Sneak.
First job you ever had? Shoveling snow.
If you could only play 3 more songs ever what would they be? Something by Bob Marley, something by Thomas Newman and maybe Al Green - gotta find a new world... this list will change tomorrow.
DJ you want to:
Hug? Nitin
Party with? Clive Henry
Next big release? Art Department - Insomniac from the Social Experiment 003 sampler on No.19 Music this month.
Written By: Wellington Adames