1. Favorite drink?

Party Time: Jameson on the rocks with steady Redbull and beer chasers until I pass out.

Social Time: Mexican beer.

Virgin: Coconut mutha(BLEEP)in’ water.


2. Scariest groupie moment?

I got convinced by a groupie to go on a "quick" detour to an after party after a gig in some small town. I found myself 30 miles out in the middle of nowhere in a ghetto with people passed out all around me. I had to walk on the highway until another drunk hillbilly picked me up and drove me back to the hotel. Not cool.


3. Craziest place you ever had sex?

Broom closet in a busy bar.


4. If you could have one superhero power, what would it be?

Freeze time or reverse time. These are money powers.


5. What DJ do you want to:

Hug? MiMOSA.

Punch? Plastician.

Party with? Benga.


6. First job you ever had?

Lawn mower boy.

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