iHome Presents Quickie with a DJ IDentity Edition: Le Castle Vania
Scariest groupie moment? Sometimes I'm bad at knowing when a groupie is a groupie. I guess I've learned there's usually two types: the one that knows random stuff about you, stuff that you don't even remember, and the other one that pretends they don't know you. Haha. I guess those can both be kinda scary.
If you could have one superhero power, what would it be? To stop time! I never have enough of it!
First job you ever had? Working at my dad's landscaping company.
What type of wheels do you use to get around? THE WOLF! It's a '65 LeSabre.
Kind of watch do you wear? I don't wear a watch.
Favorite Sneakers? White vans, all day baby!
If you had one night left to live, how would you spend it? With the people I love the most.
Favorite cartoon? Adventure time.
Can't leave home without? Clothes on.
First DJ you ever saw live? I think it was Ed Rush & Optical.
Most embarrassing performance moment? I don't think I've had one. I've tripped and fell a few times but it's all a part of getting wild!
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