Beatport Launches New Embeddable Streaming Music Player
Beatport has introduced an embeddable music player that allows any blog, website or social channel to stream any track from the Beatport service. For each play, artists and rightsholders will also receive payment. As the ever-going debate of artist compensation continues, Beatport is doing their part in ensuring the creators of the music are paid for its widespread enjoyment. "Supporting artists has been a core value at Beatport since day one, and that mission remains as we expand to serving fans with our new streaming service," said Beatport Executive Creative Director Clark Warner. "Our embeddable streaming music player not only helps artists promote their music by making it available wherever their fans live online, but we are also taking the necessary steps to pay rightsholders for each listen so artists get paid."
Every track on Beatport.com includes the embed code alongside the icons for sharing to social media, hearting or buying it. Check out an example of the new format below.
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