Seven Lions @ Webster Hall, NYC 7/26 Reviewed
The unique and always impressive Seven Lions graced Webster Hall this past Friday for a proper main floor set, having just played the basement a few months earlier.
David Heartbreak opened the night playing track after track of big beat, hardstyle and trap as the crowd filtered in for another sold out show. Seven Lions distinct sound is a happy departure from the tired out (and now mainstream) EDM hit formula - bringing unforgettable melodies and distinct sounds to every one of his tracks. If you have listened to any of the tracks from his EP's Polarize or Days to Come, you know exactly what I am talking about.
SL brought it tonight dropping many of his beautiful originals, like the fan favorites Days to Come and She Was which drove the crowd into a frenzy. In a previous review of SL when he opened for Porter Robinson, I talked about his tremendous skill at mixing genre effortlessly; tonight was no departure. We heard it all from trap to trance to electro right back to dubstep. Genre traversing aside, his remixing work alone is enough to be impressed. Dropping the classic and much-loved remixes of Florence and the Machine's Cosmic Love, and Tritional's Still With Me, we were brought into a rise and fall of energy and emotion. Harboring almost as many remixes as originals, SL brought quite a few of them here tonight. He completely surprised the crowed with his remix of Superbus's All Alone--not always found in his sets--giving us more sing-along ready lyrics and beautiful, seamless drop.
For those who were not familiar with his sound before, there is no doubt that it will stay impressed upon them. SL closed out the night with more remixing work of Above & Beyond's On My Way to Heaven and sent us off in perfect fashion to the sound of trance duo Motorcycle's As The Rush Comes. For those expecting a characteristic encore they would not find it; there was hardly a drop here, just a melodic flow through a gorgeous and classic track, bringing the energy level to a perfect, grinding halt.
Be on the lookout for this relatively new-comer whose meteoric rise to stardom is just on the horizon…this ride may or may not come with his upcoming collaborations with Myon & Shane 54 and Infected Mushroom, so stay tuned!