Quickie with a DJ: Shreddie Mercury + “Spectrum” Remix Out Now
If you could have one superhero power, what would it be? The power to make other people go to the bathroom involuntarily. I mean, how would they fight back after that?
First job you ever had? I used to make pizzas at a grocery store in town. It was as thrilling as it sounds.
Favorite candy / snack? I'm addicted to Twix bars, and as for a snack, pita chips are my current obsession.
What do you drive? A very dented 2001 Mercury Sable.
Kind of watch do you wear? No watch here, but I used to have this watch that you could play Star Fox on that I got from a cereal box a long time ago. I miss that thing.
Favorite Sneakers? Currently sporting some black Nike SB Bruins. I love these things.
If you had one night left to live, how would you spend it? I'd abuse the powers of the Make-a-wish Foundation and get any music act I could, electronic or not to play in my house. I'd call it "Shred's dead, baby".
Favorite video game? It's a 3-way tie between Super Smash Brothers (Brawl or the original), Team Fortress 2, and Super Dodge Ball for the NES.
Can't leave home without? My keys. It's really difficult to drive without those things.
First DJ you ever saw live? Lucky Date a few months ago actually. I'm still quite new to the whole "going to shows" thing.
How would you describe your style? Gather every Mega Man and Castlevania character and have them enter a dance-off.
What are your thoughts on the dance music culture right now? I personally welcome how mainstream it's getting, as I get far less eye-rolling when I tell people I produce it. I also love the widespread variety of its fans. You have your kinda nerdier people (like myself) who pay full attention to the music's production and musicality, as well as casual listeners who just feel like partying/dancing.
Favorite track to play? Right now it's Madeon's remix of Martin Solveig "The Night Out." It's wonderful.
What can party goers expect from your sets? Mostly melodic, fun, bouncy tracks. Also I tend to make really stupid faces when I play live. I won't be doing any cake-throwing or champagne-spraying most likely.
What DJ do you want to:
Hug? Laidback Luke. I mean seriously who doesn't like that guy?
Party With? Justice for sure.
DJ alongside live? I'd say Dillon Francis. I'd be giggling the whole time most likely.
Check out the Remix Contest winning track for Zedd's Spectrum remix below and purchase now!
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