Scariest groupie moment? Too many to recount. It's always triply seeing fans that show up to all of our shows all over the world from the US to Europe to Australia and so on.

If you could have one superhero power, what would it be? Invisibility.

First job you ever had? Being a plumber with my grandfather.

Favorite candy / snack? Trail mix.

What type of wheels do you use to get around? My brand new custom monster Camero. It can go over 200 miles an hour.

Kind of watch do you wear? Sometimes a Breitling Emergency. A little antenna that sends an emergency distress call.

Favorite Sneakers? Nike Ray Guns.

If you had one night left to live, how would you spend it? With my wife and kids camping, writing music, and having a good time.

What song do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the show at all actually. I sing enough on stage.

Favorite cartoon? Right now I would say Yo Gabba Gabba is the closest. ALl the old school Tom and Jerry stuff too.

Favorite video game? Alice Madness Returns.

Can't leave home without? My laptop and studio equipment.

First DJ you ever saw live? The Baker Boys

Most embarrassing performance moment? When I slipped and fell on my ass during a song. A couple of years ago when we did the Korn laser show.

Do you have any tattoos? Where? What? Tons of them on my arms.

Are you superstitious? About? Yes. I don't leave a hat on the bed.

First album you bought? Jesus Christ Superstar.

Favorite Food? Italian

Ever been star struck? By who? First time I was starstruck by Timothy Leary. I saw him at his house, partying with him. Hunter S. Thompson was a trip too.

Favorite TV show? Cold Case

What’s on your computer wallpaper? Black Pinstripes.

What’s the best advice you ever got? From who? Anton Levy. Living your life the way you want to live without judging others.

Celebrity crush? I hate celebrities.

Favorite piece of DJ equipment? Why? My Novation Twitch. I Love That.

What DJ do you want to: Hug, Party With, and DJ alongside live? All of these DJ's: Skrillex, Kill The Noise, Diplo, Steve Aoki, and the list goes on.

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