Listen To New Music From OWSLA’s Alesia On Splice
French duo and new members of the OWSLA, Alesia, have just put an new track on Splice to show you one of their Ableton sessions. The track debut comes on Splice, a new way to connect programs like Ableton to the cloud and produce music with a modern workflow. With Splice users can collaborate with each other in the cloud rather than dealing with the hassle of sending project files back and forth. Head over to their site now to get a sneak peek at Alesia's new track.
Splice is giving away beta keys. Follow these steps to get access to see Alesia's project:
1. Sign up and set a username here
2. Tweet your new username in this tweet: [Insert Username] wants to #getspliced with @ALESIAmusic and @splice: https://splice.com/explore/7E3C4841-D381-4B3E-B751-C0D19D81D5E1
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