#elektroNYE Win Tickets to Bang On! NYE Time & Space NYC
We're pleased to announce that Bang On's New Year's extravaganza is joining our 2014 #elektroNYE round up! Bang On! has solidified an enviable reputation in the tri state area for throwing some of the best parties in the region. With a commitment to infuse music with art, Bang On! events cohesively joins the two worlds to create one of the most buzzed about party atmospheres. On New Year's Eve this year, Bang On! brings us their Time & Space party that will include Deniz Koyu,
The Polish Ambassador, The Golden Pony,Damian Lazarus, BEHROUZ, Sleepy & Boo, Gino Santos, and more to be announced. With a rocket launder at Midnight, illuminated art installations, circus performers, and more, Bang On! leaves little else to be desired. If you think you can handle 11 hours of insanity (the event runs from 9pm-8am), enter for your chance to win two (2) tickets to this event. Happy New Year everyone!