Daft Punk | Random Access Memories | The Collaborators: Panda Bear
After the celebrated release of “Get Lucky," fans around the world finally feel like Random Access Memories is finally coming and simply can’t wait. While only a few weeks away from their album release, the French androids today released the fifth episode of their “The Collaborators” series. This time, Panda Bear of Animal Collective fame shares his experience listening to and working with Daft Punk. Describing Homework as the only album he and his brother could listen to in the car as kids without fighting, it is clear Panda Bear, along with the rest of the world, was influenced by the robotic yet human beats the French duo continually dazzles us with. In describing he and his bands’ futile efforts to work with Daft Punk years ago, it is obvious in the episode that the opportunity to finally work with them is an incredible opportunity not only professionally, but also creatively. Panda Bear’s artistic use of the drums as a source of steady and moving rhythms comes across as perfect to combine with the captivating grooves the androids are renowned for. Check out the episode while we all anxiously wait for out calendars to hit May 21st!
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