Above & Beyond “Every Little Beat” ft. Richard Bedford
For EDM fans, when you hear the word "trance," you might immediately think of Above & Beyond. They are one of the kings of the genre. "Every Little Beat" featuring the soothing vocals of Richard Bedford is another tune that just puts a smile on your face while you sway back and forth.
Above & Beyond says, "It doesn't take much for a relationship to slip out of balance, but once it does it can be tough to get it back. "Every Little Beat" is a song about that moment when you realise you've lost the magic and maybe even started acting to keep things normal: the other person is invariably over compensating for your withdrawal by being extra loving but of course that just makes it worse. The balance is lost. Based on all too real events, "Every Little Beat" sounds very much like how it was written - it is a very subtle but emotional production, I think."
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