Skrillex teams up with Mishka for new merchandise
The clothing line, Mishka, recently teamed up with DJ/producer Skrillex to deliver a new collection focusing on the artist's style. This new collection, which includes a t-shirt, backpack, and a limited edition snapback hat, was debuted to the world in a very interesting way. Mishka and Skrillex decided to set up a website that makes the viewer think their computer has a virus. A new track produced by Skrillex is playing in the background and, with a few clicks of the mouse, we are transported to a number of interesting sites with falling file folders, burning sidebars, and even a page that turns your mouse into a slice of pizza. There are a number of fun things to interact with at the site. Go check it out at here. And don't worry, your computer doesn't have a virus. Have fun with it.
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