Favorite drink? Alcohol? Virgin? Sunkist has got to be my number one fav drink by far. I've literally gone through a 24 pack in a twelve hour production period. As far as fruity mixed drinks, Pina Coladas take the cake. If I had to go virgin drinks I would go for a virgin margarita.

If you could have one superhero power, what would it be? Flying would be awesome, you could pick up some major chicks flying around ;)

First job you ever had? Dishwasher at Boston Market.

Favorite candy / snack? Chex Mix

What do you drive? 2005 Chevy Equinox, Soccer Mom Edition. Loaded with 3 10 inch subs though, it makes for a good time.

Favorite Sneakers? Vans, Vans and Vans

If you had one night left to live, how would you spend it? With a group of my buddies, at a kick ass party with some loud music. I like to keep things pretty simple.

What song do you sing in the shower? Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen, such a banger.

Favorite video game? Halo 3

What can't leave home without? iPod, Skullcandies and my Phone.

First DJ you ever saw live? Where? Excision at the Marquee Theater in Tempe, AZ. Great night, it's actually what got me into production in the first place. He's really quite inspiring.

Most embarrassing performance moment? I don't have one in particular but on a few occassions my sound has gone out right in the middle of a set. It was absoltuely horrible!

Do you have any tattoos? Where? What? Not yet, I plan on getting a few shortly!

Are you superstitious? About? Not really superstitious, but I know the way you treat people will always come back to you in the end.

First album you bought? Green Day - American Idiot, it's one of my all time favorites.

If you had to have one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? McDoubles from Mcdonalds.

Ever been star struck? By who? Well I don't know if it counts as being star struck but once in Hollywood when my Dad and I had just finished a meeting with one of the labels down there, we stopped at a Chik-fil-a to get something to eat and my Dad unkowningly kicked Wiz Khalifa out of his seat. It was pretty funny, I didn't get to say anything to Wiz but I was definitely embarrassed as hell.

When you get good news, who is the first person you tell it to? Daniel Morales, I've known him since I was four years old. Even though we hardly see eachother because he lives in Cali and I live in Arizona. I still always seem to call him screaming about some new bassline I just made or some gig opportunity I just recieved. He's a hell of a friend.

Favorite TV show? Skins (UK)

What’s on your computer wallpaper? Holly Peers, she's a great motivator. ;)

Celebrity crush? Skyler Grey, she has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard.

Favorite piece of DJ equipment? Why? Traktor Kontrol S2 is my baby, it's just so clean and elegant and it does everything I need it to do.

What DJ do you want to:

Hug? Skrillex
Party With? Borgore
DJ alongside live? Rusko

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