elektro presents: OHMYGODitsKAT vs Cedric Gervais
In a recent interview with Cedric Gervais, I had the chance to hang out with the him and talk about whatever the hell I wanted. Among the answers to questions that can be found in the video component like, "Molly or Miley;" I went ahead and asked the French producer a handful of lighthearted inquiries about his lifestyle.
As a true EDM fangirl, I often wonder about the background of the DJs and performers at the shows. The amount of factual information about producers is abundant online. Any simple question about where a DJ is from, to how he or she got to such an impressive point in life can usually be found on Wikipedia. I always wonder about what can't be found online already. What is it like to hang out with these people? Are they nice or are they rude? Do they like my hair?
I found out that Cedric doesn't do CDs anymore, that everything is digital for him, now. He told me that he prefers coffee over tea and In-n-Out over pho. His alcohol of choice is 1942 Don Julio, he promised that he is fun to party with, and we bonded over the fact that we're both down for shots. He reassured me that Lana del Rey is a nice person, and he had such a good summer that he didn't even have any sad summertime stories that he could think of.
This type of information isn't available to the public. Too often do music journalists focus on solely the musical qualities of producers. No one documents the person behind the talent. The OHMYGODitsKAT Versus series showcases the unique personalities of each producer or group, while also keeping the music in mind. Ugh, that accent tho.
Follow me @OHMYGODitsKAT / http://www.ohmygoditskat.com
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