elektro exclusive premiere: Elizabeth Rose “The Good Life” Option4 Remix
Spearheading the buzz on her upcoming EP, sultry songstress Elizabeth Rose drops an Option4 remix of her tantalizing original production “The Good Life.” Many of you may already be oriented with the song due to the major Emoh Instead “Poolside Mix” that was released last month, or the other tastefully spun mixes from Charles Murdoch, Alba, and Victoria Kim. Option4’s spin on “The Good Life” transforms the track into a lush house masterpiece. With accentuated piano chords accented by a placidly flowing bass line, Option4’s remix of “The Good Life” is as dreamy as they come. Having the pleasure of listening to the various well-crafted remixes of “The Good Life,” we’re eagerly anticipating Rose’s full length EP to drop on January 17th. Joining Rose on the release circuit, Option4 also has double AA due out January 21st on Nurvous Records as well. If this is a taste of what is to come from Rose and Option4, we truly will be living the good life.
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