elektro exclusive interview with DJ VICE
- Considered an industry veteran, you’re approaching your 20-year mark—how has your music evolved over the years? Has your taste in music changed at all, or maybe broadened a bit?
My music is always evolving due to me changing environments so often. From playing in LA to NY, Vegas to London and Tokyo to Switzerland I'm affected by my travels. I have always been a fan of bending genres and now with people having access to music so quickly it makes me stay on my A game even more!
- Tell me a little bit about your soon to be released single ‘World Is Our Playground’. Did you have a specific idea in mind before producing your track?
I was born and raised in Los Angeles I didn't travel until I was 16. My first time on an airplane was to a gig in Fresno, CA (Google it). I always wondered what it was like in different cities and if I was ever going to visit these places. “World Is Our Playground” explains what I looked forward to in life - traveling and exploring the world. I am very fortunate that I get to work and travel at the same time.
- You’ve been DJ’ing for quite some time now, when did you decide you wanted to try your hand in producing?
I started in 1999 with production when I bought my first Akai MPC 2000. I used various outboard gear like a Trinity and different EMU synth racks and eventually got into Pro-Tools. I was a total bedroom producer, always working on music and never releasing anything. For 6 years straight I have been non stop traveling which steered me away from my production. I pushed myself back in the studio for the last three years to focus on music. It’s been a natural progression for me as I, like every DJ wants to play their own music to the masses.
- You teamed up with Tumi to create the new limited-edition Tumi x Vice Backpack, which I must say, is very unique and functional, I absolutely love it—how did it feel transitioning from the DJ booth into the design studio? What design elements did you bring into the creative process of this collection?
That was such an amazing experience to sit with the head designer of TUMI over the course of a year and collaborate on a DJ Backpack. It was basically me building my dream bag! I have gone through so many different DJ bags (like most traveling DJ's) and always have things I wish I could change about the bag. When I sat with TUMI we first and foremost focused on protection along with functionality, style and comfort. Judging on the final product and success of the bag, I would say we nailed it!
Check out the bag in the video below!
- You’re boutique CRSVR is known for its’ top tier sneakers, including top of the line Nikes the minute they’re available—what was the idea behind opening your boutique? And is it safe to say that Nikes are your “go-to” shoe?
I’m a NIKE HEAD! My shoe collection is 99% Nike & Jordan. It's something that I have been attached to just like my addiction to vinyl as a kid. CRSVR was started initially so I wouldn't have to wait in line for shoes anymore. I am a firm believer that if you start a business first and foremost for the love of what it is you are doing, things always work themselves out!
- Fashion seems to be a key element in your life—how would you describe your style?
I really don't see myself as a fashion forward person but I am definitely into fashion. I grew up spending the money I had on records and if I had any extra, which was not often, I would buy shoes. I always tried to figure out how to get away with wearing a lot of the same clothes but coming strong with the shoes to focus the attention on my outfit that way.
- Although you’ve shifted toward producing, you’ve stated that you have no intention of transitioning out of performing at clubs—why is this so?
I want the balance of clubs and festivals. They are two different worlds but keep me balanced as a producer & DJ.
- To this day, who remains your favorite artist of any genre/decade/etc., and do you ever play their music when you’re in the DJ booth?
This may be the hardest question for any DJ to answer and with my attention span it’s even harder to pick a favorite artist at this moment! Haha. How about you come see me play LIVE and figure that answer out…
- Looking into the future, are there any musical projects being prepared for at the moment? Any new design collections?
As much as I want to look way ahead on the musical side I am focused on where I am at in the present. I am pushing my attention to "World Is Our Playground" because it feels like it is the 1st chapter to my story I am about to tell. And on the design side I have a lot coming… just gotta follow along with me and see where I’m headed! @djvice