An acclaimed and long-time resident at the legendary club Space in Ibiza, Nick Curly has quite a few accomplishments under his belt. These include the successful launch and continuation of his two imprints in 8bit and Cecille, as well as the release of Cocoon Records top selling 12’’ just last year. He recently introduced his debut artist album, ‘Between the Lines,’ a slowed-down, sensual, and expressive compilation of music with real depth. His track “Underground” particularly caught our attention with its deep grooves and tech-influenced sound. It’s a departure from his past more dance-floor ready house, but one that shows us an intriguing and stimulating side of this multi-talented producer. For another take on this hypnotic piece, check out Dennis Ferrer’s remix—with emphasis placed on the chord-work and instrumentals of the original, Ferrer’s re-working raises the energy and delves even deeper into the hauntingly mellow melodies.

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