It's Sunday but that doesn't mean the parties are stopping. Tonight at Stone Rose, the Mercedes-Benz fashion Official Lounge, is the Tracy Reese after party with Louis XIV. Louie XIV is a DJ who was born and raised in New York City. Growing up with a family in the music business, Louie was engendered with a deep passion, understanding and appreciation for music at a young age. Beginning at age 15, Louie sought out and was selected for many exclusive internships in the music industry, including A&R at Koch Records, Warner Music Group and Omerta Management Group. Most importantly, he was recruited at age 20 to work in Columbia Record’s “War Room,” where he helped recruit new artists for the company’s A&R department, all while pursuing a Bachelors Degree in 17th & 18th Century French History from the New School University.

Check out his mix below:

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